A Manufacture Local Story™
by John Gardner
As I meet immigrants I ask them why they came to America and the universal response is “opportunity”. I ask them to specify what “opportunity” America provides that other nations do not; the majority, who are small business owners, say it is very hard to start a business in their native country. I always feel a tinge of pride when I hear that so much “opportunity” is available in America that it is easier for immigrants to leave their friends and family, migrate to a foreign country, learn a second language and battle through the adversities of life on foreign soil than to attempt to start a business in their home country.
The unique American dynamic called “opportunity”, is an advantage many American natives take for granted; or in the case of newer generations is an advantage that they are completely unaware of, unappreciative of, or outright despise because it involves hard work that an app on their phone won’t do for them.
Jake and Ashley Yates of Yates Precision Manufacturing are Americans who Do Not take the Land of Opportunity for granted. While working full-time corporate jobs and having two toddler boys, Jake and Ashley started a Company that manufactures Precision Shaving Products with the slogan, “Enjoy Your Morning Routine”.

I so enjoyed the package-opening ceremony when I received my Yates Precision safety razor that I had the inexplicable urge to stop and re-open it a 2nd time with my family present. My curiosity led me to ask why was it important to me share the craftsmanship, attention to detail, and pride that I discovered about Ashley and Jake’s product?
It dawned on me that Yates Precision represented what is the true promise of the American Dream. The Land of Opportunity allows individualism to flourish. Hard work and unique individuals create the best products like Sam Colt’s revolver, Henry Ford’s car, Gibson Guitars, Steve Job’s Apple Products, or the Wright Brother’s plane.
The mere opportunity to let your creativity and work ethic elevate you and your family is the American Dream and this intangible value translates through to add an ethereal component to a Made in America product.
Watch Ashley on their Instagram -@yatesprecisionrazors – working in their machine shop while shepherding their two little boys and see Jake working nights after he has already worked all day. This is an American family journey I relate to and draw inspiration from and their story continues the legacy of the American Dream that is a beacon of opportunity to the rest of the world.